Are You an Ethical Volunteer? What You Need to Start 2022 Off Right.

volunteer in front of "Got Ethics?" chalkboard

December 17, 2021

Do you volunteer? Are you thinking of giving it a try? We'll walk you through everything you need to know to volunteer ethically in 2022.


The New Year is around the corner, so we find ourselves reflecting on 2021.

What could I have done better? How could I have left a bigger mark on the world? What am I going to improve next year?

With evidence suggesting that most people don't stick to their New Year's resolutions, perhaps the answer is not drastic changes to our lives. Maybe it's becoming more mindful and intentional about how we go about them.

Let's instead spend 2022 examining how we interact with the world around us to better invest in others. For those of us who volunteer or who'd like to get a taste of what it's like, ethical volunteering is an excellent way to start.

holding world in hands

But what does it mean to volunteer ethically, and how do we know if we're doing it?

It all depends on which organizations we choose to support, our mindsets as we volunteer, and how we conduct ourselves while we do it.

To volunteer ethically means to volunteer responsibly. As ethical volunteers, we make a real difference for the people we serve by doing so altruistically - for the benefit of others rather than for personal gain.

It can be challenging, at times, to determine our real motives for volunteering, so sit down and think about why you're really doing it. Volunteering can be a great way to gain new skills and experience, have fun, and feel fulfilled. However, for volunteering to be considered ethical, these must be bonuses, not the main reason to get involved.

volunteer and client

8 Tips for conducting yourself ethically:

1. Have strong attendance.

If you've committed, don't be absent unless necessary. Always notify in advance if you need to cancel your commitments (barring emergencies, of course).

Last-minute or uncommunicated absences can put the organization under strain to find a solution. Depending on the circumstances, programming may need to be delayed or even canceled. That may be problematic or disappointing for the population your serve.

In the event that you miss your commitment without communicating, reach out after the fact, acknowledge it, and indicate whether you’ll be able to make it to your next commitment. If you don’t tell someone, the organization won’t know whether or not to rely on you next time.

2. Be on time.

Don't delay programming or negatively affect the people you serve. If you’re running late, let someone know, so they can plan accordingly.

3. Communicate changes. 💬

We can't always foresee what life will throw our way. As soon as you have any indication that your schedule might change, notify the organization, even if it's not a done deal.

If you're job hunting or looking for other opportunities, don't be afraid to tell the organization that you're planning to move on. You don't have to provide all the details and story behind it. The organization will appreciate that you've given them time to prepare so the population you serve can remain supported. Inform the organization as soon as you start your search, not once you have the job and need to stop abruptly.

4. Learn and practice. 📙

Dedicate yourself to learning about the organization and the population served. Learn and practice any relevant skills for your volunteer work.

Even if you are a professional, an expert, or have years of experience, there is always something more that you can do. The more knowledgeable and skilled you are, the more effective you can be.

5. Accept feedback. 👍

Be open to feedback from the organization or the people you serve. Rather than seeing it as a personal attack and getting defensive, view it as an opportunity for a more significant impact.

Whenever Outreach360 provides feedback to volunteers, it is in the best interest of our students and a sign of respect. We believe in you and respect you enough to provide you with strategies to maximize your contribution. We understand that no one is perfect (our organization and staff included), so we offer feedback as a tool to support volunteer development.

If accepting feedback is challenging for you, say "thank you" and tell the person you'd like some time to digest it on your own. It's always better to mull it over with a cool head than to react poorly because you weren’t in the right frame of mind to discuss something.

For the brave of heart and the especially committed, ask for feedback instead of waiting for someone to give it.

6. Be your best self. 😊

We've all been through challenging stuff in life. Though it's not possible to be energetic, focused, and in a good mood all the time, try your best to be cheerful and attentive while volunteering. It's easier said than done but put your personal issues aside for a few hours (or however long your commitment is), so you can be who the people you serve need you to be.

If you provide direct service to children, the elderly, or vulnerable populations of any kind, this is incredibly important.

When you feel you can't perform your duties with a smile and patience for the people you serve, it's an appropriate time to call in sick. The goal is to positively impact the lives of those you serve, not leave them feeling ashamed and wondering what they've done wrong. It's okay to need a break when things get tough. Take the day off so you can come back raring to go the next time.

7. Respond to messages. 📱

When the organization or a person you serve reaches out to you, promptly respond so they know you got the message. A simple "Received." or "I'll get back to you." is always better than radio silence.

8. Choose the right organization. 🤔

Not all organizations work in the same way. Choosing an organization that promotes ethical volunteering and sets you up for success makes all the difference.

Find an organization that works responsibly and sustainably. The organization's focus should be on empowering people to grow to support themselves.

If the organization works internationally, then a plan to work themselves out of business and turn it over to the locals would be ideal.

volunteer and client

How do you know if you’ve picked an organization that embodies responsibility and sustainability?

Start by analyzing its mission, vision, principles, values, programs, and goals.

man thinking about questions

To gain more clarity:

Ask yourself the questions in the example organization analysis of Outreach360 below and use our free workbook.

When you download your free workbook, you’ll receive blog notifications along with information and opportunities to get involved with Outreach360. Already on our mailing list? Your subscription will remain the same.

Mission 🚀

Outreach360’s Mission:

smiling boy in Latin America

“We inspire and empower people to reach their full potential and give back by expanding educational, leadership, and service opportunities.”

“We inspire and empower”

Instead of doing something for the population we serve, we support them to do it themselves. We recognize that as capable human beings, they have the power within them to take charge of their own lives.


Rather than focusing on needy people, poor people, marginalized people, underserved children, etc., we focus on all people as competent equals. Though we currently serve children and youth in Latin America as our primary focus, our mission is to touch the lives of all people.

We acknowledge that to make our vision a reality, people from all walks of life must access opportunities. As such, we involve volunteers from all over the world in our mission.

Global participation in our service-learning programs creates a ripple effect across continents. As current and former volunteers go about their lives in their communities, they continue to inspire and empower those around them.

“their full potential"

young girl in Latin America

Our mission reveals that the population we serve already possesses the qualities and attributes we are working to bring out in them. We don't give them these traits; we support them in looking inwards and retrieving what's hidden inside.

“give back”

The population we serve takes ownership over our work by serving with us in various capacities as they get older. Those who've received give time within our programs and are encouraged to further their impact on their communities and the world.

“educational, leadership, and service opportunities”

We maintain that education is the most sustainable way to effect world change. Our programs provide people with a supportive space to learn, develop their skills and talents, and find their inner leaders.

We offer such programs to the population we serve and to our volunteers. It's an interchange that furthers our mission even once they pursue other endeavors.

Vision 🔎

Outreach360’s Vision:

happy girl

“We envision a world where every person reaches their full potential by creating opportunities for themselves and others.

We see the population we serve through the eyes of possibility. Each member of the population is innately capable.

It is not just we who create opportunities for them. With our support, they create opportunities for themselves and then turn around and create opportunities for others, too.

Why? You can't change a person. You can't fix a person. You can't tell a person what to do. Nor should you want to.

For something to be sustainable, it must align with the population's needs and wants. People need to grow and nurture themselves as they see fit for long-term gain.

Values and Principles ❤️

Outreach360’s Principles

At Outreach360, we have ten principles we discuss with our volunteers at the start of their service. We then continue to reflect on the principles throughout their commitments. Some of the principles are:

“Serve, don't help.”

volunteer and client

The difference between serving and helping is our attitude towards the people with whom we work.

To serve is to see the those in front of us as equal, talented, and adept. Though we provide a service, they bring plenty to the table. They can help themselves and don't need us to come and save them.

It doesn't stop there. The people we serve possess so much within them that they could even serve us in return. Serving is a relationship, a two-way street where we are all on the same playing field.

Serving also means listening to the people we provide the service to - genuinely hearing them and adjusting our behavior to support them. We are who they need us to be. We are observant and accepting of feedback. We put aside what is easy for us and implement what is best for them.

volunteer and child in classroom

“Be flexible and creative.”

When we commit to being flexible and creative and listening to others' needs, we can support them in bringing forth what's deep inside.

To give a person the answers is to deny them an opportunity for growth. Alternatively, we find their strengths together and think outside the box to capitalize on them.

Through this work, they find the answers themselves and gain greater confidence. We act in a manner that allows them to develop their own opinions and stimulate self-determination.

“It's not about you.”

not selfish

We regularly acknowledge our volunteers for the difference they make. However, we also kindly remind them that, to volunteer ethically, one must do it for the right reasons.

We must always have the people we serve in mind and act according to what is best for them. Our actions must be for the greater good rather than our wants.

“Poco a Poco (Little by Little).”

Sustainable impact does not happen overnight. We cultivate long-term growth through our collective contributions. We keep the big picture in the back of our minds while exercising patience and improving the world around us.

tortoise carrying hare

“You are Outreach360.”

happy volunteer

Usually, when a person volunteers, they volunteer for a particular organization. Outreach360 thinks of it differently. We see our volunteers as the organization itself.

This view allows us to create an atmosphere in which we inspire and empower each volunteer to embody our mission, vision, principles, etc., as their own. When volunteers do this, they adopt a perspective of respect and act more responsibly.

“You are responsible.”

Our success as an international education and service-learning nonprofit relies on conducting ourselves ethically and being true to our mission and principles. As the face of Outreach360 to the people we serve, each volunteer must accept the responsibility of volunteering ethically by approaching their work with a mindset of equality and dignity.

happy woman

Programs 🏛️

The Outreach360 Virtual English Academy

young boy with headset

The Virtual English Academy is a rigorous, year-round, Monday-Friday virtual afterschool program that provides educational, leadership, and service opportunities to children and youth in Latin America. All students attend on a full scholarship.

English Classes

Virtual English Academy students participate in daily online English instruction from volunteers and staff.

student in online class showing paper to computer

They participate in immersive English conversations with native and near-native speakers, complete homework, and improve their literacy skills through our online library and learning platforms. They also develop technology skills that support them in navigating our increasingly virtual world.


excited student with headset and laptop

Virtual English Academy students participate in daily online English or Spanish enrichment activities led by volunteers and staff. These activities expand their horizons, promote critical thinking, and teach valuable academic and life skills.

Our students also share in community, visit with guest speakers, and attend special events through our virtual platform. This enrichment keeps our students motivated!

Life Prep

teen studying with headphones and pencil

More advanced Virtual English Academy students take online college preparatory and/or vocational courses according to their interests. They also prepare for internationally recognized English proficiency exams and TEFL certification. In addition, they undergo leadership training and partake in mentorships, internships, and apprenticeships.

Giving Back

Older Virtual English Academy students give back by teaching English online to younger students and leading enrichment activities online while supporting volunteers from across the globe.

They also serve behind the scenes through special projects that contribute to our mission: student and volunteer recruitment, graphic design, communications, development, and more.

teen teaching children English online

Need and Desire

Free English instruction is both needed and wanted across Latin America. English opens up doors to better job opportunities. In some countries, there are even English language requirements for university entry.

The English instruction in public schools throughout Latin America is not always sufficient for mastering the needed concepts, so much of Latin America flocks to private academies. Since these academies are often costly, many never get the opportunity to attend.

Outreach360 receives frequent waiting list applications and admission inquiries throughout the year.

Countless youth in Latin America also lack basic academic, technology, and life skills needed for university and employment. This is caused, in part, by low access to relevant education and resources. Outreach360 has crafted an academy that meets the needs of motivated children and families who want to begin preparing early.

teacher and students online emoji math class

Our academy prepares students to be immediately employable by graduation. Graduates can pay their own way through university and become independent. The academy also promotes leadership and service, encouraging students to invest in their communities and create sustainable impact.

We regularly request feedback from all students and families to provide them with a relevant and effective program. We also invest time learning about the communities we serve across Latin America to better our work.

Additionally, our older, more advanced students play a large part in shaping the Virtual English Academy through their service and leadership. It allows for a more authentically impactful program for all students.

online class with days of the week game

Outreach360 Virtual Impact Program

Our Virtual Impact Program connects volunteers from across the globe with our students in Latin America.

online class via phone

We have opportunities for teenagers, young adults, and professionals to serve in our Virtual English Academy as teachers, enrichment activity leaders, tutors, etc. Volunteers join us as we bridge cultures digitally and inspire and empower each other to reach our full potential.

Volunteer positions are by application only, so Outreach360 can ensure each volunteer is a good fit and can meet the needs of the students.

tips for teaching beginners clipart

Volunteer duties differ according to age, experience, and expertise. All volunteers receive relevant training and support to serve the students best.

Our training focuses on concrete strategies for serving rather than helping. We involve the population served in training, supporting, and supervising volunteers where appropriate. It allows for cultural education that improves the quality of volunteer service.

Outreach360 volunteer opportunities involve a component of service-learning. This way, volunteers make an impact with Outreach360, but also in their communities once they move on to other journeys (furthering our mission to inspire and empower people)

teachers in Zoom meeting

Service-learning also provides volunteers with continued professional development beyond the initial training period. It allows them to hone their skills and provide better support to the students.

holding up "your feedback matters" sign

We regularly request feedback from volunteers as those who directly serve the students have unique insights. We balance those insights with observations and suggestions from other sources (students, families, staff, research, etc.) to tailor the program for maximum impact.

Goals 🎯

Outreach360 Virtual English Academy Goals

Students remain in the program throughout their schooling. Upon graduation, they:

student holding up paper in online class
  • are fluent English speakers

  • are certified English teachers with experience

  • are global citizens and international leaders

  • have technology, critical thinking, and literacy skills

  • are employable and can pay their own way through university

Outreach360 Virtual Impact Program Goals:

  • Volunteers ethically contribute to the development of students in the Virtual English Academy

  • Volunteers gain skills to change the world at large

  • A diverse environment of students and volunteers worldwide creates opportunities for tremendous growth for all involved.

6 more recommendations for choosing an organization:

1. Determine if it’s a nonprofit. 🧐

For US-based organizations, use the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search Tool. All registered nonprofits should be listed in the database.

We recommend searching by the organization’s Employer Identification Number (EIN). Organizations that have undergone a name change (such as Outreach360) may still appear under their former name, so using the EIN will give you more accurate results.

Outreach360’s EIN is 58-2197227. An EIN search will bring up a listing that shows our old name. Once you click on it, you’ll have the chance to see our other names, including “Outreach360.”

2. Learn about its team and board. 🙌

  • How long have its members been with the organization?

  • In what capacities?

  • How do they demonstrate commitment?

  • Does the team include members of the population served?

3. Review the organization’s financials. 💵

  • Is the organization transparent? Does it have a GuideStar seal of transparency?

  • Does it post financials on its website?

4. Read, watch, or listen to testimonials. ▶️

5. Follow the organization on social media. 👀

  • What types of things does the organization post?

  • Do posts show the population served in a positive light?

  • What does the community post?

6. Subscribe to the organization’s mailing list and read its blog. 🔔

  • What are the organization’s needs?

  • Are you a good fit?

Ethical volunteering is all about perspective and behavior.

We encourage you to step into the New Year with a refreshed sense of intentionality as a volunteer. No matter which organization you choose, if you bring the Outreach360 mindset to the people you serve, they’ll appreciate the kindness and respect you afford them.

Interested in joining Outreach360? Applications are open to serve virtually!

Written by Adie Jalfin, Outreach360 Academic Director

Adie is responsible for training our volunteers and staff. She also designs and oversees our Virtual English Academy. In addition to her years of experience as an English teacher, she holds a Master of Social Work degree which she uses to bring a strengths-based approach to her work.

Adie Jalfin

Adie is Outreach360’s Academic Director and is responsible for training our volunteers and staff to be effective teachers. She also designs and oversees our Virtual English Academy.


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